Tuesday, November 2, 2010

MSCPA Awards Conference

This past weekend I received a scholarship from the Missouri Society of CPAs to go towards my degree at Southeast Missouri State University. I want to encourage each of my employees and future employees to work very hard in college and earn your degree. The world of investing will open up your life if you put in the time understanding what it has to offer. One more thing, get out and vote!

Work/Life Balance

Everyone needs a little time away from work and the markets to focus on the things in life which really matter, Friends and Family.

Here at Brotelli Investments, I take a fishing trip every year with my top clients to get away from the markets  for a week and relax.

As the Holiday season comes ever closer, I thought I would share some photos from this years trip from last month.

Election Day!

As voters across the country drive to the polls today, we here at Brotelli Investments wait to see how this election will impact the markets.

Everyone by now is predicting the Republicans will take the House and pick up around 6 seats in the Senate. We shall see.

Right now Republicans are running on promises they will not cut Medicare and Social Security, but are going to reduce spending and get us closer to a balanced budget. But everyone knows that the only way to get the budget into some reasonable semblance of balance will be to either cut Medicare benefits or increase taxes.

Overall, I believe the election today will change very little in real terms, at least with the things that matter, like whether the US economy can grow. That potential is in our future and it is coming at us faster than you think.